When Stephanie McCarter, MD was on the October 18 HBN show, we discussed that humans are electrical creatures and that there are many worrisome health effects of electromagnetic frequencies (EMF). For example, she pointed out that EMF disrupts the operation of the mitochondria (the power source in our cells) and even interferes with our vitamin D receptors. It is a scary thought that the emissions from baby monitors are not good for baby. Dr. McCarter noted that glyphosate (in Roundup) brings heavy metals into the body and that changes the electrical dynamics.
Below is supplemental information that I copied from her lecture slides.
- Insomnia
- Short-term memory loss
- Headaches/Dizzy
- Anxiety/Depression
- Irritability
- Fatigue
- Vertigo/ Tinnitus
- Brain Fog
- Sound/Startle Sensitive
- Skin Changes-Itching/Flushing/ Burning/Numbness
- Visual Changes
- Cardiovascular changes: angina, palpitations/ arrhythmias
- Digestive problems: Nausea / indigestion / diarrhea
- Sensitive to Weather changes
- Physical Exposure to EMF Fields, Chemicals, Molds, Heavy Metals
- Increased exposure to toxins and / or reduced rate of Detoxification
- Co-infections
- Depleted Nutrient Status
- Colon imbalance (bacteria/ yeast overgrowth)
- Imbalance of body’s energy centers
- Lack of personal boundaries / depletion of inner energy
- TREATMENT MODALITIES (note that 80% of EMF sensitive patients are also chemically sensitive.)
- DETOXIFY (Far infrared sauna helps):
- Chemicals: solvents, pesticides, herbicides
- Molds and Mycotoxins [poisons produced by molds and yeasts]
- Heavy Metals: Implants, Tattoos, Mercury Fillings
- Check following in EMF patients:
- RBC [Red Blood Cell] Mineral or Hair Analysis Minerals
- Heavy Metals Analysis: hair or urine [or Oligoscan]
- Toxic Chemical Profile and Glyphosate level
- Urine Mycotoxins
- Essential Metabolic Fatty Acid Analysis
- Heart Rate Variability
- GOAL: Heal intestinal tract
- Supplements are food based-think of FOOD sensitivities in patients who cannot tolerate supplements or do not respond to them
- Inflammation in GI tract = Inflammation in Brain
- TREAT YEAST AND DYSBIOSIS: big trigger of EMF symptoms
- High Mold exposure and Heavy Metals = Yeast!
- Organic Rotation Diet
- Probiotics: note many patients cannot handle due to severe dysbiosis [imbalance of gut critters.] [Dr. Ohhira’s is usually well tolerated.]
- BabySafeProject.org.
- EHtrust.org (advocacy)
- Less EMF (New York) Lessemf.com 888-537-7363
- Safer Living Technologies 519-240-8735
- ShieldYourBody.com
- Combination meters (magnetic and rf) https://www.radmeters.com/
- Testing home or office for EMF
- EMF-Protection.US – Shielding materials
- EMFanalysis.com
- https://shieldedhealing.com/ Brian Hoyer
- http://www.emfrf.com/ Peter Sierck
- https://buildingbiologyinstitute.org/
- Video: The Impacts of EMF on our Health with Stephanie McCarter M.D.
- Video: Stephanie McCarter – Electrosensitivity Is Exploding… The 5G Rollout Is Making Things Worse.
- Far Infrared Sauna information
- DETOXIFY (Far infrared sauna helps):
If it all seems a bit overwhelming, maybe just start with being more thoughtful about the use of your cell phone. E.g. keep it away from your body, use the tube type earbuds and don’t have it on your night stand when you sleep.