No Maximum Theoretical Age For Humans.  Natural Molecules Work In Short & Long Term


By Bill Sardi

There are a number of scientific developments being triangulated at the same time that point to humans achieving superlongevity at its core and healthspan, mental acuity, and affordability encircling the basic premise that humans can move forward to achieve a quality and quantity of life beyond anything ever imagined. 

Beyond the outer limits

In 2017 researchers were saying humans cannot hope to live longer than 115 years despite medical advancesMedical ethicists chimed in, at the behest of politicians, to urge senior adults to die on time, Medicare and Social Security facing insolvency if superlongevity were to be achieved.  Well, that has now occurred anyway.  It seems like technocrats want to engineer humans with an expiration date

But now researchers who study human aging have conducted a trajectory study.  What is the outer limit of the human lifespan? Their answer to that question is, as of today, “there is no maximum theoretical age for humans.”  Homo sapiens can live an indefinitely long lifespan, 130 years and beyond! 

The investigators came to this conclusion after studying people who have 110 years of age or more, so-called supercentenarians.  And they discovered that for people beyond age 110, they have about a 50-50 chance of living another year.  Stated another way, oldsters don’t have a remote chance of living another year as was the case decades ago. 

Their calculations show if a limit below 130 years of age exists, it should have been detected by now.  These investigators said “there is no indication of a finite upper limit to the human lifespan.” 

Theoretically, people could live forever said one news report, or more practically said, an indefinitely long lifespan is now at hand.

A living example: bring on the strawberries

A living example is Kane Tanaka of Japan who is in her 118th year of life.  The widely circulated picture of Ms. Tanaka shows her eating her favorite food – strawberries

In recent times researchers report fisetin, a molecule found in strawberries, demonstrably eradicates senescent cells from aged humans, cells that no longer replicate themselves and result in frailty, weak immunity and physical and mental infirmity. 

There is no scientific argument that fisetin and other natural molecules can reverse human senescence!  It’s a scientific green light.  Virtually every adult over age 60 should be taking anti-senescent molecules, with fisetin at the top of the list, followed by quercetin, resveratrol, etc., taken in modest doses (mega-doses are counterproductive).   Imagine mandated resveratrol pills instead of vaccines?

Discoveries withheld from public view

Discoveries in biology, specifically that genes are not static and can be modified, not only erased the problem of inherited fatalism (I’m not going to live any longer than my parents), were withheld from public view when the life insurance industry was briefed in the 1970s about human genes being modifiable and the possibility of living as long as Methuselah became real.  Insurance underwriters said the world wasn’t ready for this and early discoveries were thrown under the rug. 

Where’s the evidence?

Of course, a conclusive study would require thousands of people to take an anti-aging pill for decades, so longevity doctors have to settle for markers of aging. 

Resveratrol is the molecule most often studied for its anti-aging qualities, as it molecularly mimics a lifespan-doubling calorie-restricted diet.  A recently published study provides a short-term view of what natural molecules like this can do.

The short-term answer

Forget living beyond 130 healthy years, can humanity survive the current pandemic?

In a controlled study among ~100 adults (mean age 55 years) given vitamin D + resveratrol,  investigators reported these senior adults were three times less likely to be hospitalized, were far less likely to need COVID-19-related visits to an emergency room (8% vs 14%), and half as likely to develop pneumonia (8% vs 16%), and there were no serious medicine-related adverse events.  Forget remdesivir, antibody injections, even the problematic RNA/DNA vaccines. 

What did these men take?

A 100,000-unit injection of vitamin D was administered at the beginning of the study and participants took a 500 mg resveratrol pill daily. 

How much would that cost?

How much would that cost to prescribe resveratrol/vitamin D to America’s senior population?  A better way of looking at this is how much would such a regimen save?  The answer is $38 trillion a year

Forget the false promises of the Great Reset, of politicians or organized medicine.  If a middle-aged American adult bolts out on their own, without medical guidance, and begins taking resveratrol + vitamin D, according to the best available evidence at hand today, the result would be profound. 

American military catches on

The American military is catching on.  Its aging fighting force can be kept mentally sharp and physically fit with natural anti-aging molecules.  Military advisors are facing a reality.  If our own fighting force doesn’t do this, a potential enemy will.  The good news, is that you don’t have to join the army to get the pill.

The downside: not good for doctors, hospitals or drug companies

However, there’s a lot not to like about resveratrol from the professional side of the equation.  There would be less demand for doctoring, far fewer prescription medications used, and plunging profits in the drug and medical care sector of the stock market.  That $38 trillion of health is taken out of the pockets of the medical specialists and institutions we rely upon for “disease care.”  While economists lament at the disproportionate wealth in the top 1% of income earners, It’s a giant swing of re-wealthing seniors as their out-of-pocket healthcare costs plunge. 

This author at age 76 has only spent 1 day in the hospital in the past 20 years, takes no prescription medicines and has no chronic health conditions.  You can prove this to yourself.  If not sooner, I hope to correspond with you again in the year 2050.