Radio guests that gave us an early heads up—Part 1

Healthy by Nature radio show this week
By popular demand, Bill Sardi will return to take calls about any health or nutrition topic that is of interest to you. Do you have a family history of heart disease, diabetes or cancer? Looking for a natural solution to heartburn, high cholesterol, eye problems, or a fading memory? Confused about supplements? Tired of being tired? You name it. To kick things off, I will ask Mr. Sardi about a new study that links an extremely common over-the-counter medication to dreaded pancreatic cancer. Bill Sardi, is a prolific author, science investigator, and crusader for sanity in health care. (I am pretty sure he has forgotten more than I hope to ever know.) He is also the sharpest supplement formulator I have found. (Examples of his handiwork: Longevinex 866-405-4000, Molecular Multi 800-247-5731Garlinex 866-674-3955, Garligest for heartburn 866-674-3955). As before, I will take notes to pass along, but this time I have recruited some help.Call the live show with questions at 1-800-281-8255.
Click here to find podcasts, show archives and how to listen nationwide.

 What is old is new again
 memory lane.png


In prepping for that 20th Anniversary show I realized a number of concepts we covered long ago need to be revisited. In the blog I include links to programs and resources on these topics: estrogen dominance (a problem even for men), natural approaches to heart disease and under-appreciated life-saving nutrients (vitamin D3, vitamin B12, vitamin K2 and magnesium).  Click here to read this week’s blog.

  Last Week Follow-up

LISTEN to that show in the archives.

Constantine Kotsanis, MD and special guest, Richard Fix, were in the studio to help us understand the amazing healing effects of microcurrents. Those are a next level energy medicine therapy provided by Avazzia. Then I explained the health problems for adults and especially children that can result from toxic substances contained in commercial body care products. Kim McClure of Lily of the Desert joined us to explain what it takes to make non-toxic personal care products.

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Health, energy, mood, brain power, etc. all begin with great digestion. The absence of obvious complaints (e.g. constipation, gas or heartburn) does not guarantee everything is in proper balance. My course covers how to fix those common complaints, but also the hidden problems. The 30 classes are short and easy to digest. (Just noticed the pun.) The videos are professionally done and are available as DVD’s as well as online. Use your subscriber code, HBN20, to save 20% off of the enrollment. Click here for more details


The Probiotic Cure. We now know that the microorganisms in our gut are a crucial part of our human instruction manual and that they control thousands of biological functions in our bodies. It is past time that we learned how to care for them because important varieties are disappearing and leaving illness behind.

Fat-Free Folly. Challenges dangerous mainstream thinking about fats. Supported with generous amounts of current science and grounded in a common sense historical framework. Learn how to build health and lose weight while enjoying more delicious food.

Natural Alternatives to Nexium, Maalox, Tagamet, Prilosec & Other Acid Blockers. Subtitle: What to Use to Relieve Acid Reflux, Heartburn, and Gastric Ailments.
Besides explaining the dangers of these medications and helping fix the real cause (which is seldom too much acid) this book is also helpful for solving other digestive problems.

Aloe Vera – Modern Science Sheds Light on an Ancient Herbal Remedy. Research shows that Aloe has benefit beyond skin and digestion–also for immune function, detoxification, nutrient absorption, blood antioxidant levels, blood sugar regulation and more. Learn how to pick the most potent brands.

The information contained in this newsletter has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The contents are for informational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice.

Copyright 2017 Martie Whittekin, CCN