More to the story about shingles vaccine

Terrifying TV commercials promoting the shingles vaccine create panic about what it would be like to suffer with the condition. They aren’t exaggerating the misery that might ensue if nothing is done to treat shingles. The vaccine maker, of course, wants you to ask for their vaccine, “Shingrix” by name. The vaccine is a legitimate […]

Have a sweet tooth?

If these look yummy, you may have a sweet tooth (and one that isn’t very fussy). Do you think you might have more than one sweet tooth? Does it seem that the more sweets you eat the more you want? Well, it really does work that way for at least couple of reasons. One is […]

Confused about what to eat?

Over the years, I (Martie) have covered a lot of different diet plans, Hamptons diet, paleo, Atkins, and so on. We haven’t spent much time on plant-based diets. I think many of them have merit, but I am concerned about the way the research was usually done. For example, how much of the benefit was […]

A dab of this, a sniff of that and…and…

Some of the topics we’ve discussed on the Healthy by Nature Show may at first glance seem too trivial to worry about. Or you have been reassured by officials who say that they are harmless. Here are some examples: The traces of Roundup® weed killer in the food supply. Electromagnetic pollution from sources like cell […]

HEARTBURN is not in the heart, but the burn part is real

A whole lot of people begin to experience heartburn (acid reflux) during the holidays. I worry that having been browbeaten by advertising, they may start taking a heartburn drug. US consumers spend a fortune each year on heartburn medications ($1.9 Billion in 2022 just on Nexium brand). The problems with the powerful drugs are: They […]

Giving is good for your health!

I am extremely thankful for the great many blessings I have, but I sure do wish I was extremely rich…and not because I crave jewelry, a Birkin bag, Jimmy Choo shoes, a beach house, a fancy car (even one just a little newer than my 19-year-old-one), or anything like that. I’d like to be rich […]

Does Thanksgiving dinner make you think about digestion?

One school of thought about promoting good digestion is called “food combining”. The theory holds that certain foods digest well together because of compatible length of time required, pH, and enzymes, etc. and that INcompatible foods lead to toxic products and disease. This website has a simple chart. One example is to avoid combining starches […]

Make it a Juicy Turkey Day

Turkey is a good high-protein relatively low-fat food. It is known for the amino acid l-tryptophan which is a mood and sleep aid (because it increases the neurotransmitter serotonin). I used to think that turkey was the reason for holiday after-dinner drowsiness. However, there really isn’t enough l-tryptophan in a serving to have much of […]

FIBER—the soluble type has different benefits

Last week, we talked about “roughage” the insoluble type of fiber that we do not digest. Its partner in health is a type of fiber that dissolves. Both types are food for friendly bacteria, but soluble fiber seems to be a bit better prebiotic. If eating fiber in excess is problematic, you might want to […]

FIBER—more interesting than grandma knew

Insoluble fiber is what grandma may have called “roughage” and promoted to keep the bowels regular. She was right about that, but there is more to the story—there are other factors affecting regularity (e.g. see the September 22nd newsletter about constipation) and who knew that fiber is a PREbiotic (the probiotic bacteria in our gut […]